Nets For Vets out of Tawas CIty, MI Saturday

Contact Capt. Tim
810 577 3219
A “Reel” Fishing Adventure!
Enjoy a truly unique experience as you embark on a half or full day charter on Saginaw Bay. As you depart Linwood Marina, Captain Tim will take you around Saginaw Bay where world record Walleye can be caught. Captain Tim is dedicated to give you your best fishing trip ever.
Charter Fishing Facts

Walleys Taken

11 +
Fish Species or More

The Bay
1,143 Sq miles
Charter Fishing
Walleye, Perch
Captain Tim Mann is a U.S.C.G Captain who has been creating memories for his clients for years.
“Getnbigger” is a Tiara 36′ Tiara with a wide open deck. She is built for big water sportfishing. Tiara is one of the most comfortable fishing boats on the market today, her wide beam and open fishing deck offers plenty of room for your fishing party. Features include a private stand-up head, an eating area, an indoor cabin.
- Fishing For Walleye
- Fishing For Perch
For Detroit River Walleye fishing we recommend T-Rex Adventures. https://trexadventures.com
Fish Health
Healthy Fish
Saginaw Bay has been known to have huge healthy fish. They are the best for cooking and taste great!
Fish are better when you catch them your self. Cook them on the grill, in a frying pan or even in the microwave. You will be suprised how good they are!

What Clients Say
Getnbigger Charters
I have fished with Captain Tim year after year and it is always a great time!
Happy CustomerTim always puts us on the fish and plenty of them. Always a fun time!
Happy CustomerFish are always biting and we catch them too. The boat is spetacular! Very comfortable and nice riding dependable boat.
Happy Customer